Selasa 23 Jan 2024 06:16 WIB

Ministry Supports Women's Representation in Parliament

Women's representation in parliament must be increased.

Puan Maharani.
Foto: Tangkapan Layar
Puan Maharani.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection is intensifying the dissemination of information to the community to support women's representation in parliament ahead of the 2024 General Elections.

"Massive efforts are needed to carry out a digital campaign to support women's representation in parliament," the ministry's Assistant Deputy for Gender Mainstreaming in Politics and Law, Iip Ilham Firman, stated here on Monday (22/1/2024).

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Firman made the statement at the "Vote for Women in General Elections, Affirmative Action to Realize Gender Equality" media talk event.

He noted that Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Bintang Puspayoga is scheduled to release the #2024dukungketerwakilanperempuandiparlemen (#2024supportwomensrepresentationinparliament) campaign on Tuesday (January 23).

He explained that the dissemination of information will be carried out through digital means, including the digital platforms owned by ministries, institutions, and regional governments.

Firman stated that for the next two weeks, his ministry will cooperate with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, the Government Public Relations Coordinating Agency (Bakohumas), and provincial governments to promote the campaign.

He noted that in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), the government is targeting women's representation in the House of Representatives (DPR) to reach 22.5 percent.

"In 2019, it was only 20 percent in the DPR. Our target in 2024 is only 22.5 percent based on the 2020-2024 RPJMN. There are still many challenges. To this end, it should not decline from 20 percent. We must avoid this," he remarked.

Indonesia will hold the 2024 General Elections on February 14, 2024, in which around 204.8 million voters are expected to participate. The political campaigning period started on November 28, 2023, and will end on February 10, 2024.

During the elections, Indonesians will elect a president and vice president as well as members of the DPR, Regional Representatives Council (DPD), and Regional Legislative Councils (DPRD) at the provincial, city, and district levels.

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