Rabu 10 Jan 2024 19:44 WIB

Ministry of Religious Affair Calls on All Parties to Care for Tolerance

Jayapura Municipality provides support to all religious figures.

Photo shared after the national insight and religious moderation event held by Jayapura Municipal Government Office on Tuesday (9/1/2024).
Foto: Humas Pemkot Jayapura
Photo shared after the national insight and religious moderation event held by Jayapura Municipal Government Office on Tuesday (9/1/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAYAPURA -- The Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Ministry of Religious Affairs) of Jayapura Papua invites all stakeholders to treat tolerance by eliminating all issues that can divide unity and unity local community.

Head of Administrative Sub Section of Municipal Government Office Jayapura Dolfinus said it was consistent to give attention to the importance of strengthening the awareness of people coexisting within the community.

Baca Juga

“The city of Jayapura is our 'honor' all that deserves to be taken care of together so we hope that all parties can take care of tolerance,” he said on Wednesday (10/1/2024).

It also appreciates the City Government (Pemkot Jayapura) which has always responded by providing support to all religious figures so that religious activities can run well.

“One of them, namely by getting the Harmoni Award given by the Ministry of Religious Affairs to the Government of Jayapura,” he said.

He explained that the award of the Harmoni Award from the Ministry of Religious Affairs to the Government of Jayapura showed that the capital of Papua Province is safe and comfortable from various aspects. “So we hope this continues to be safeguarded and everyone in Jayapura City can live together in full,” he said.

He said activities, such as a talk on national insight and religious moderation that had been held by the Jayapura City Ministry and local government on Tuesday (9/1/2024), were something positive in strengthening the togetherness.

“For that reason, for all parties who have positive ideas can also do the same to build Jayapura City better in the future,” he said.

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Dan orang-orang yang tidak mampu menikah hendaklah menjaga kesucian (diri)nya, sampai Allah memberi kemampuan kepada mereka dengan karunia-Nya. Dan jika hamba sahaya yang kamu miliki menginginkan perjanjian (kebebasan), hendaklah kamu buat perjanjian kepada mereka, jika kamu mengetahui ada kebaikan pada mereka, dan berikanlah kepada mereka sebagian dari harta Allah yang dikaruniakan-Nya kepadamu. Dan janganlah kamu paksa hamba sahaya perempuanmu untuk melakukan pelacuran, sedang mereka sendiri menginginkan kesucian, karena kamu hendak mencari keuntungan kehidupan duniawi. Barangsiapa memaksa mereka, maka sungguh, Allah Maha Pengampun, Maha Penyayang (kepada mereka) setelah mereka dipaksa.

(QS. An-Nur ayat 33)

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