Senin 08 Jan 2024 22:31 WIB

Erick Thohir: Prabowo Commitment and Concrete Promotion of Indonesian Football

Prabowo assessed not only commitment but also concretely to advance Indonesian football.

Rep: Fitriyanto/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
PSSI Chairman Erick Thohir said that Presidential Candidate Number 2 Prabowo Subianto has a commitment and concretely supports the progress of national football. (illustration)
Foto: ANTARA/Mohammad Ayudha
PSSI Chairman Erick Thohir said that Presidential Candidate Number 2 Prabowo Subianto has a commitment and concretely supports the progress of national football. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- PSSI Chairman Erick Thohir considers Presidential Candidate Number 2 Prabowo Subianto to have a commitment and concrete support for the progress of domestic football. Not only did Prabowo establish Garudayaksa football academy, Prabowo also partnered with Aspire Academy which successfully advanced Qatari football on the international stage.

The five-year cooperation between two cross-country football academies, Garudayaksa and Aspire was signed on Monday (8/1/2024) at Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium (SUGBK) Senayan Jakarta. Present at the signing of the cooperation agreement that took place in the afternoon were Garudayaksa founder Prabowo Subianto, Director General of Aspire Academy Ivan Bravo, and PSSI General Chairman Erick Thohir.

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Erick Thohir, who has known Ivan Bravo for a long time, when he was President of Inter Milan, thanked him for the cooperation between the two football academies. Moreover, the reputation of Aspire Academy is already beyond doubt in the world, praising Prabowo who not only committed to advancing Indonesian football but also with concrete steps. “There are not many figures like Mr. Prabowo of pure commitment who want our football to advance, and now concrete steps have been made with the cooperation of these two football academies.

Aspire succeeded in bringing Qatari football to world recognition. Certainly Aspire will provide the best support to Garudayaksa, especially the one who comes directly from Ivan Bravo,” said Erick Thohir. “Thank you Garudayaksa and this cooperation. Building a national team is not easy, it takes a long time, sacrifices of various parties, supporters, players, governments, including as Prabowo did today. It is with sincerity of heart on behalf of PSSI to thank you,” Erick said.

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